Tuesday, 25 February 2014

Impulse and Stupidity

No one commits stupidity, it happens. Only when something we do, goes wrong, we call it as stupidity. When the things go as per our plans or for that matter some action that we take impromptu succeeds, we do not call that as stupidity. But only when the plans do not work or worse, sudden action taken at that time, fails, we curse it as stupidity.

Stupidity need not be in the eye of the beholder. It is something that is not desired by the event itself. It is not a relative term. It is not the stupidity a person calls for the action of another person. It is the stupidity in nature. When stupidity takes place, things do go wrong as an event and not as pertaining to that event.

Whenever things do go wrong, we either justify the act saying I did what I thought was appropriate that time or we simply regret our act. In either case, the stupidity stands stall, glaring at us. If we are honest enough and do not wish to repeat the same or similar act in the future, we would develop certain intelligence towards handling such things.

Now look at the intelligence. Intelligence has to be committed, it doesn’t happen on its own.

Intelligence is also an absolute thing. This does not belong to one person. When enough of intelligence exists around the events, things go the way they are supposed to go. Our endeavor should be to merge with the intelligence around us and help ourselves get the desired result. The desire also should have intelligence and not be stupid to ask for unimaginable things to happen.

When we merge ourselves with the existing intelligence, we already know how to handle the situation. The appropriateness is decided by the requirement of the event and not by our convenience. The intelligence doesn’t necessarily accumulate by past experience and learning. Of course they can be referred to, but there are always surprises. Life offers situations beyond all experiences and cognition.

When we do the things as the situation demands without recognizing necessary intelligent thought around it, it may anyway go wrong. How do we react to any given situation depends on the thought we give around the situation and not only to the situation. Taking time at the time of the situation may help us think. Revisiting the set goals and objectives might help. Or overall understanding of the situation will lead to the required action.

Intelligence comes with clarity of the mind. Confusion is not stupidity but lack of intelligence is. In the state of confusion, we do not do things that come to our mind. In stead, we seek clarity in ourselves. Clarity comes by merging ourselves with intelligence. Sincere, patient and truthful efforts take us to this path of merging with intelligence.

- VV

1 comment:

  1. Simply mind blowing Vinay! Very beautiful, very lucid. Great clarity of thoughts!
