How are they generated? Are they any different from our shadows? We are sure we create them but we can't own them, may it be within ourselves or in others.
Everybody feels lonely at certain times. Some feel lonely at all times. Perhaps the loneliness is a result of expecting others to understand us better?
Everybody has passion towards something. Someone's passion is someone else's apathy. A person passionate about something feels disregarded by the one he expects to be equally passionate about, and discerns left alone?
Perhaps biggest enemy of a person is tacit rendering of self pity. Or is it the inability to perceive others' unhappiness bigger than ours?
We create our own goals and squander our time in wandering. Which is bigger here, the selflessness or selfishness? The goals may be set for ourselves but can also take care of a larger cause. May, not doing anything about it and feeling helpless to do so, instill ineptness in us?
There are many life troubling questions. Some face them, others avert them. Some may feel there is no bigger question in life than why question life in first place? And may people facing them feel there's no bigger answer to life than their very life being the way it is ?
Every question may have more than one answer and so does every answer have more than one question?
We hear, we see, we experience. It's all the same or it may be different; but life goes on. We then pass on the legacy and will the inheritance be questioned as what did we ever own to pass on to our clan or people in common?
And the quest perpetuates....... for generations to come.